I just wanna say that I'm now a multi-chara. But, I only RP as myself or Hikari. Hikari can be a Pokemon Coordinator and at times she doesn't want to. I control her situation or feeling to RP as a Pokemon Coordinator or not. Don't push me or you'll get blocked. Thanks.
First Chara: Hikari.
Name: Hikari Lighthope Dawn
Age: 17
Nickname: Kari, Dawn, Hikari
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
Status: Single
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Blue
Likes: Pokemon, New friends, cake, ice cream, anything sweet, champagne, Coordinating, etc.
Dislikes: Team Galactic, Team Rocket, Team Magma, torturing/abusing Pokemon, insulting her friends/family, bitter things, bitches.
Occupation: Secretly a Top Pokemon Coordinat