yOu hAve to bE yOurSeLf.bE vErY hOnEst aBoUt wHo aNd wHat yOu aRe...iF pEoPLe sTiLL liKe yOu,,tHat's gReAt...iF tHey dOn't,tHats tHeiR pRobLem...
oUtLiVe tHe uNdeSerVinG!! :)...
Marianne Johara Jestre y Cabanilla – someone who is confident, self assured, and capable; not easily intimidated; masters any and all skills easily; doesn't have to work hard for what she wants; makes her life out to be exactly how she wants it and will knock down anyone who gets in her way! usually the best at everything, that strives for perfection; authoritative and aggressive; friendly, charming, and warm; works hard not to rock the boat, her easy going attitude brings people together; fair and logical