The names Mike working in the U.S. ARMY I am stationed at FT.Bragg with the 82ND Airborne DIV 2ND BCT. currently knocking out college sofar i am a sophomore I enjoy sports and the outdoors LOVE TO FISH favorite sport is baseball. I grew up in sunny FL and miss it especially the beach which is my favorite place and my mighty Florida Marlins! I'm from Boynton beach which is an hr north of Miami and 3 hrs from Disney and Seaworld :D Done alot of partying and living life...but i also enjoy a movie on a rainy day(Fav movie: Forest Gump) or working out while listening to music. I like to read in my collection you will find: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Poe, Hemmingway, Clive Custler, Tom Clancy, Ect.