wanN to NoE a l!ttle more abt me den.. . m, very much a fun luving person
who beL!eves strOngLy in bE!nghoNest to one$elf. ! Like to hv fun
& mOre !mpOrtAnt laugh and Make otHers l@ugh.
! enjoy writing;;
anything that involved putting pen to paper orreading
!'m not saying it is great, bt itz fi99 4 me
! cAn call my Own z $omeThing ! deFin@tly want to @ccOmpl!$h.
OthEr den wr!ting pOetRy ;;
! lOve to dRaw !n my sP@re time;;, . Ju$t likE my pOetRy
!'m not $ay!ng dey r great it's jst anOthEr loVe of m!ne, at least I try eh..
I'm also ananimal lover..thou.