I am a nOrmal persOn livin in da abnOrmal wOrld
--aLways aLmOst MisUndeRsToOD--
a gR8 pROcRasTinaTOR.... i Mean Big Tyme..
--ReMeMbeR Ma NamE u'LL b ScReaMin iT LaTer!--
THe R3aLity:
eVen ma shadOw Laughs aT me !!!!
mOttO OF Lyfe:
nO mOTtO i fink i'LL b dRivin aUtO!! ( the RicksHaw) oR may b faRmin back there in ma viLLAGe (haari pyaara jawan singhaRa).
the qUestiON i hate:
'wht U waNNa dO In yR lyFe,wht wiLL u Do In FuTurE'
Ch3aTing In ExaMz [Luv It,GoD GifTeD In it]
aLways rEaCh laTe..speciaLLy in ExaminTaiOn haLL
the things i lUv mOst:
`WaLkin aLL aLone On RoaDs
`LoVin Ma fRnds[can't Live wiDOut'em]
`GettIn ScOLd3d By Ma paREnts [DAiLy RouTiNe`]