'Am not at all different from other guys,it does'nt mean that 'am a photocopy.MAD at music...
The sound of strings blows me up,.
I love lots of things especially those which make the life live :-P)
Entering into my life is very much complicated,even though SOME enter n get mingled up.
Active GAMER,tech <3er,BIZ thinker n....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.(talking like this really F*#@KS);
Good at convincing.MAMA'S boy.
Also don't like the 1st line of pledge,it kills.
DO OR DIE motto,Indian heart .
True LIER,Calm minded so Hate violence .
FEAR always wins the game,wanna knock it out.Hrrrrrrrrh......
Crazy RIDER,-:) & 'am a big--> "?"
My mind's full of ???????????c