Hi all Lovely Folks , Welcome to My Page ;) Myself the Smart & Cool .."NANDU"...Me also called by many Nanducool, Nans,Jay,Nanda,NandaRaja enufff now :-P :-D
& Me Blessed with. stylish,confident,attitudinal,enigmatic,funny,moody, straight-forward n interestings r some of d adjectives dat goes hand in hand wid ME.(NANDU)...well,i live life to d fullest in my own special way.i have my own set of rules n policies..n if ur my friend,dare u disobey dem!!
Being a simple hardcore tarus,i possess dual characteristics,versatility,quick-wit & short-temper..COOL..and datz not enuf,I HATE people those who scolds and react badly evn not at all knowing wht actually waz happnd..
I HATE people who lie n