If there are no stupid questions,
then what kind of questions do stupid people ask?
Do they get smart just in time
to ask questions?^_^
(¬脈¬)朸 扎(-脈脈-)朸 扎(琪脈¬)朸 扎(諭犢琫諭犢)朸 扎(-脈脈¬)
I am only a child, yet a woman
I hear my heart yell louder than the voice
in my head
I see the world through innocent eyes
I feel the pain bestowed upon those the world deems inadequate
I touch each lifeless being with questioning eyes
I am only a child, yet a woman
I wonder why we mutilate each others souls, minds, hearts, and characters
I wish to teach all to love, understand and compromise
I hope for patience for things I do not