Procedure in the ranking of honor pupils 2012 Kenny Magbanua
The document provides guidelines for determining honors or academic ranking of students based on their academic excellence and co-curricular performance. It outlines how to calculate weighted ranks for both academic excellence, based on average grades across subjects, and co-curricular performance, based on points for achievements in areas like competitions, leadership, journalism, and participation in activities. The weighted ranks from each area are summed to give a total rank, from which an overall academic honors ranking is determined. Points tables define the possible points awarded based on the level and positions for various co-curricular achievements. Documentary evidence is required to validate points.
New K12 assessment in the k to 12 basic education programRogelio Arcelon
This document outlines DepEd Order No. 8, which provides policy guidelines for classroom assessment in the Philippine K to 12 Basic Education Program. It defines formative and summative assessment. Formative assessment is informal and ongoing, while summative assessment occurs at the end of a learning period. Assessment is aligned with curriculum standards and cognitive process dimensions. Student performance is evaluated based on content mastery, skills, and understanding as demonstrated through various components. Results are used to monitor progress, determine promotion, and report to parents. The policy aims to implement valid, reliable and equitable assessment practices.
This document from the Department of Education in the Philippines outlines the process for selecting honor pupils at San Roque Elementary School for the 2011-2012 school year. It includes sections for academic excellence, co-curricular activities, and a final rating. Student rankings and averages are provided. Approval is recommended by the district and division checking committees.
Report card comments Sample for Islamic SchoolTeacherSue
The document contains 23 student report card comments. The comments provide information on each student's strengths, such as being polite, having a good attitude, and grasping concepts quickly. They also note areas for improvement like being more organized, revising better, and improving attendance. The teachers encourage the students and ask Allah for their success, happiness, and guidance to paradise.
The document summarizes the Brigada Eskwela 2014 event held at Bubukal Elementary School from May 19-24. It provides details of the opening program and backgrounds on the nationwide Brigada Eskwela initiative led by the Department of Education. The school aimed to prepare facilities for the upcoming school year through repair, renovation, cleaning and beautification projects completed by teachers, volunteers and stakeholders over 6 days. Messages of support were provided by the school principal, barangay chairmen, PTCA president and others thanking all who participated in the community effort.
Guidelines on the assessment & rating of learning under the K to 12 Basic Edu...Sonny Meneses Jr.
The document provides guidelines for assessing and rating student learning outcomes under the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum in the Philippines. It outlines that assessment will be implemented beginning in Grades 1 and 7 to track student progress in attaining standards. Assessment will be holistic and formative, focusing on knowledge, skills, understanding, and performance. Student results will be fed back to promote reflection and improvement. Levels of proficiency are defined on a scale from Beginning to Advanced based on percentages across assessment levels.
This document outlines a rubric for assessing student performance using the GRASPS framework. The rubric assesses students on their knowledge acquisition and relevance, understanding of content, critical thinking skills, breadth and depth of understanding, and ability to transfer understanding to new situations through products and performances. Students are evaluated on criteria such as relevance of information, analytical processing, multiple facets of understanding, independence, and value added. Performance is judged on a scale from very weak to strong.
The document discusses grading in education systems. It provides details on:
1) The history of grading, beginning in 1785 at Yale University where grades were recorded as "Optimi", "second Optimi", and "Inferiores".
2) How grades are calculated today, including using letter grades, percentages, and grade point averages (GPA). GPA is used to assess students' performance over time.
3) International standards for grading and examples of grading systems from countries like the Philippines. The Philippines bases its system on models from Spain and the U.S. but has since developed its own system.
K to 12 Grading Sheet Deped Order No. 8 S. 2015 PPT presentationChuckry Maunes
Download Link Found Here
For the Grading Sheet Spreadsheet
The government has not revised the curriculum for public elementary and high schools in over 13 and 20 years respectively, much longer than the recommended revision period of 10 years. Education officials argue a revised basic education curriculum (RBEC) is needed to better prepare students for an ever-changing world. The RBEC emphasizes competency-based learning and mastery of core subjects like Filipino, English, science, and math. It also integrates values and life skills training across subjects and adds a new "laboratory of life" area focusing on practical skills, cultural values, and civic engagement. After 7 years of implementation, the RBEC continues with modifications like a focus on student performance-based grading.
Revisions of the Basic Education Curriculum Genesis Felipe
The document outlines the history and development of the Philippine education curriculum from the 1970s to present, including the introduction of the K-12 program which extended basic education from 10 to 12 years to better prepare students for higher education, vocational skills, employment, and entrepreneurship. Major changes included adding 2 years to high school, strengthening the teaching of Filipino and English, and restructuring subject offerings at different grade levels.
1. The document outlines the competencies in the mother tongue for grades 1 through 3 of the K to 12 curriculum in the Philippines.
2. It includes competencies for oral language, phonological skills, book and print knowledge, alphabet knowledge, word recognition, fluency, spelling, and handwriting.
3. The competencies become more advanced each grade, building on skills from the previous grade, such as being able to sequence more events in a story and read more advanced texts with greater fluency.
This document discusses different aspects of grading systems, including:
- Sample student grades and units from various subjects. The average grade for this student is 88.
- The roles of grading in evaluation, communication, motivation, and organization of student work.
- Two conflicting roles for teachers as coaches and judges.
- Two types of grading systems - norm referenced and criterion referenced.
- Examples of grading scales from two schools, SDCA and CVSU.
- Four key questions around grading, such as whether grades should reflect achievement only or include other factors.
- An overview of standardized test scoring and the two main grading systems used in the Philippines.
This worksheet will enable teachers to self assess in order to remain relevant and in line with the goal of transforming education into the 21st cenury. This worksheet was developed by the DepEd. I am making it available in my site with the sole goal of spreading information to the farthest corners of the nation.
The document summarizes the new K-12 grading system implemented in the Philippines. It discusses that assessment is now integrated into daily classroom activities and includes both formative and summative evaluations. Grades are based on weighted scores from written work, performance tasks, and quarterly assessments. Students need a final grade of at least 75 in all subjects to promote to the next grade level, or they may need to take remedial classes. The goal is for assessment to enhance the teaching and learning process.
The document outlines policy guidelines from the Department of Education of the Philippines regarding awards and recognition for the K to 12 basic education program. The policy aims to give all learners equal opportunity to excel based on the curriculum standards rather than competing with each other. It recognizes that all students have unique strengths that should be identified, strengthened, and publicly acknowledged. The document was issued by Severa C. Salamat, Ph.D., the Education Program Supervisor for Mathematics at the Department of Education.
This document discusses classroom assessment and grading procedures. It defines formative and summative assessment, with formative used to guide instruction and summative to evaluate learning. Summative assessment has three components: written work, performance tasks, and quarterly exams. A standards-based grading system is used, with 60 as the minimum passing grade. Scores from each component are calculated as percentages based on highest possible scores, then weighted according to the subject to determine final grades.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.
The document discusses grading in education systems. It provides details on:
1) The history of grading, beginning in 1785 at Yale University where grades were recorded as "Optimi", "second Optimi", and "Inferiores".
2) How grades are calculated today, including using letter grades, percentages, and grade point averages (GPA). GPA is used to assess students' performance over time.
3) International standards for grading and examples of grading systems from countries like the Philippines. The Philippines bases its system on models from Spain and the U.S. but has since developed its own system.
K to 12 Grading Sheet Deped Order No. 8 S. 2015 PPT presentationChuckry Maunes
Download Link Found Here
For the Grading Sheet Spreadsheet
The government has not revised the curriculum for public elementary and high schools in over 13 and 20 years respectively, much longer than the recommended revision period of 10 years. Education officials argue a revised basic education curriculum (RBEC) is needed to better prepare students for an ever-changing world. The RBEC emphasizes competency-based learning and mastery of core subjects like Filipino, English, science, and math. It also integrates values and life skills training across subjects and adds a new "laboratory of life" area focusing on practical skills, cultural values, and civic engagement. After 7 years of implementation, the RBEC continues with modifications like a focus on student performance-based grading.
Revisions of the Basic Education Curriculum Genesis Felipe
The document outlines the history and development of the Philippine education curriculum from the 1970s to present, including the introduction of the K-12 program which extended basic education from 10 to 12 years to better prepare students for higher education, vocational skills, employment, and entrepreneurship. Major changes included adding 2 years to high school, strengthening the teaching of Filipino and English, and restructuring subject offerings at different grade levels.
1. The document outlines the competencies in the mother tongue for grades 1 through 3 of the K to 12 curriculum in the Philippines.
2. It includes competencies for oral language, phonological skills, book and print knowledge, alphabet knowledge, word recognition, fluency, spelling, and handwriting.
3. The competencies become more advanced each grade, building on skills from the previous grade, such as being able to sequence more events in a story and read more advanced texts with greater fluency.
This document discusses different aspects of grading systems, including:
- Sample student grades and units from various subjects. The average grade for this student is 88.
- The roles of grading in evaluation, communication, motivation, and organization of student work.
- Two conflicting roles for teachers as coaches and judges.
- Two types of grading systems - norm referenced and criterion referenced.
- Examples of grading scales from two schools, SDCA and CVSU.
- Four key questions around grading, such as whether grades should reflect achievement only or include other factors.
- An overview of standardized test scoring and the two main grading systems used in the Philippines.
This worksheet will enable teachers to self assess in order to remain relevant and in line with the goal of transforming education into the 21st cenury. This worksheet was developed by the DepEd. I am making it available in my site with the sole goal of spreading information to the farthest corners of the nation.
The document summarizes the new K-12 grading system implemented in the Philippines. It discusses that assessment is now integrated into daily classroom activities and includes both formative and summative evaluations. Grades are based on weighted scores from written work, performance tasks, and quarterly assessments. Students need a final grade of at least 75 in all subjects to promote to the next grade level, or they may need to take remedial classes. The goal is for assessment to enhance the teaching and learning process.
The document outlines policy guidelines from the Department of Education of the Philippines regarding awards and recognition for the K to 12 basic education program. The policy aims to give all learners equal opportunity to excel based on the curriculum standards rather than competing with each other. It recognizes that all students have unique strengths that should be identified, strengthened, and publicly acknowledged. The document was issued by Severa C. Salamat, Ph.D., the Education Program Supervisor for Mathematics at the Department of Education.
This document discusses classroom assessment and grading procedures. It defines formative and summative assessment, with formative used to guide instruction and summative to evaluate learning. Summative assessment has three components: written work, performance tasks, and quarterly exams. A standards-based grading system is used, with 60 as the minimum passing grade. Scores from each component are calculated as percentages based on highest possible scores, then weighted according to the subject to determine final grades.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.