you're viewing the profile of:
a simple,cute,wild,talkative,mysterious,generous,sweet,stupid,loving being.
deal w/ it?!
If you can't live with my world then DON'T force your self my dear.
If you can accept of what I am then so it's GOOD.
Full Name: Khadiza Palahuddin Amiril
Nick Name:kHaDz, kHading, jaNg and many more
Birthday: 321
Age: 17
Status: <3
Height: 5'6
Sex: Female
Location: Zamboanga City
Phone Number:09266000201 in used
School: Pilar College
Course: BS Nursing (2nd yr)
Skin Color: Fair complexion
Hair Color: Natural Black (w/ red color)
Eye Color: Black
Best Physical Feature/Asset: Height/Face?
Color: Red,Green,Blue,Black,