I Give You The Option To Add Me ... And Give Myself The Option To Accept Or Ignore
悋惠 惠惷忰 惺悋 悋 悽惠 惺 .. 悋悋 悖惷忰 惺 悖 惠愆悋惡 :)
抉悗 惡 愆惆攵 悖 悋愆悋 抉忰悋鎬 惠擯愆 抉愆リ悋惶リ 惘リжω郊 莕擯愆 抉愆リ悒惶リ 悽悋惡惠 悋悋莍 惡
Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with
their own hearts
悋 惘悋惡 惺愀惠 惠 悋 惠惠悧惡愆 .. 愕惡悋 惺 悋 悋惠 惶惆 惡惘 惠愆
悋 慍 .....!!