Nevada Boat Numbers (Updated 04/25/2011)
NAV CTR 360-396-6957
MCC 360-396-6689/6718
ENG ROOM 360-396-6354
CPO QTRS/WR 360-396-6924/6969
RADIO OPCON/STE 360-396-6963/6947
" No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care" ~John C. Maxwell~
Kinnie Marie Taylor
Cell 360.689.2675
Home 360.215.4051
Welcome to the USS Nevada Blue Ombudsman Page! I am Kinnie Marie Taylor your Blue Crew Family Ombudsman. This page was created to keep in communication with our Nevada Families.
As the Ombudsman I serve as the family’s direct representative to the USS Nevada Commanding Officer. I have been trained to assist f