I trust no one but me cause people are so fake =\ I just have "self confidence" nothing more, that's it ... don't judge me cause you don't know me that well and you're not much better than me...;))! I like to make new friends too, so if you like to be my friend I'll be glad to have you in my friend list or in my real life... If you want to know more just ask about it and don't worry I'm not gonna bite you... =] I Love Helping People .. So If You Need Anything Or Anyone To Talk To I'm Always Here ..! I have goals in life ,,
I work hard So I would bring my dreams ♥ █ █ ♥ █▄▄▄█ ==>Smile Now Cry NeveR
,,, ▄▀▄▀✖ oNly gOd cAn judGe me ✖▀▄▀▄