<3 May God put a spell on you… so you won't forget me !! =) <3
i am nowhere...lol'
COCOholic... =) --im a fan!)
i eat when i am bored... Lolz
i faLL easiLy, but i controL it immediately... (as long as i can..)
im vulnerable to beLieving Lies...
hurt easily... :'(
trust easily...
can't forget easily...
i make up excuses for evrything...
im hard-headed (sometimes)...BUT grows with a SOFT heart...<3
im sensitive...
im quiet & shy...
not that showy (in public)...But sweet like honey (in private)... ;)
i love deep... (Your so lucky! :)
i want someone who is:
<3 god-fearing <3 responsible <3 simple <3 family oriented <3 lovable &