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Organization / Workplace
Moscow, Russian Federation Russian Federation
Deputy Head of the Working Group on ethnic conflicts mediation at Public Chamber of the Russian Federation
I'm an executive coac, non-executive director and professional CEO with 25+ years experience in business and 10+ years in agribusiness and FMCG. I have acquired sufficient qualification as CEO of holding companies (average year turnover 250 000 000 USD) in primary farming, animal feed production, chicken, pork and beef growing, processing and marketing, sausages and semi-finished products producing and marketing. I'm confident in my skills and abilities in strategic and operating management, corporate finance, sales and marketing, employee's motivation and other responsibilities of General Manager. I have established close links with federal and local authorities. Specialties: corporat...
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仆从仂 舒亠亞亳 亳 仗舒于仍亠仆亳亠仆从仂 舒亠亞亳 亳 仗舒于仍亠仆亳亠
仆从仂 舒亠亞亳 亳 仗舒于仍亠仆亳亠
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