I LUV U MOM & DAD... LUV U FRIENDS....... I am a Boy who is very simple hearten but adventurous. Always like to take risk. I want to do something for my country. I want to be a Business man and social worker. I like music & game very much. I luv my mom n dad very much. They are my world. I luv my 3 friends too. I am very much friendly- my friend says. I luv my friends. ___________________$$$ ____________________$$$$___$$$ $ __________________$$$$$$$_$$$$ $$ _________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$__$$ $$ _____$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$__$ $$$ ____$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$ ___$$$_$$_$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$ $$ __$$$$$_$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ __$$$_$$_$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$ __$$$_$$_$$$$$$$$___________$$ $$ _