sweet, cute, innocent, bold, inteligent, nd very friendly...
Birdie.... I am the angel, Nisha
This is commnly bout me-
I PUSH doors dat clearly says PULL.. o_O
I laugh harder ven I try to xplain y m laughng.. :-D
I walk into a room nd 4gt y i was der., :-P
I lie smtyms to hide my pain :-(
I cry alot more dan things i do. :'-(
I m nt as strong as my smile seems to be ;)
I get atachd to peole evn who care little bout me.. :@
A broken nail is as painful as a broken heart.. :0
I say its a long story wen its really noy dat long.. :D
I fall in love to hard too fast.. B-)
And i alz care more dan i can..
And I'm PROUD of all what i m n love MYSELF... :)