wh0 me..?? seri0uslY, d0es anyoNe read dis..?? :O
neveRthelesS, i'll give it a tRY.. :)
T0 staRt wid:
pe0ple say dat 'em versatile and res0urceful.... cleveR and amusing... a go0d compaNY & equallY go0d wid w0rds.... optimistic, livelY, iNquiriNg aNd outg0iNg... dey eveN say dat em s0meone wh0 makes frieNdzZ Nd m0neY (dunN0 h0w c0me dey
c0me 2 dis c0nclusi0N) easily...
Bt w0t I sae is dat I live 4
excitemeNt aNd seNsati0N...l0viNg adveNture iN eveRY aspect 0f life & obvi0uslY tRaveL Nd chaNge Nd
aNythiNg new !!!
m0st imp0rtaNtly
my l0ve is MUSIC !!!!!!
Bt 1 thiNg f0r sure.... i hate t0 b tied d0wN...Nd I'm hell Nd l0t impatieNt
wid rules..,, laws,, aNd
conveNti0ns..(s0me of dem actual