Y do u want 2 know me,dat u r viewing dis,huh??!
wel if u still want to..... I'm a simple calm boy:)
I thnk a lot...about every single thng dat matters to me,both directly n indirectly......
I don measure success with money (no1 sud either).
M a bigg foodie.....
n ya,last bt nt d least...
m a guud boy:-):-)
I thnk u had enuf....:-)
b my friend,n know d rest of me.. ;D
NOW tym for FAKE version..
仆 留 gz 亳 g留z 仆 从亳 仄
从 仄g旅亳g 蔵癮旅亳g 仄 亳 旅亳 蔵!旅亳g !zz
1 皕z - 留 f 僚!
2亳 皕z - f 留 !亳 仄 仆留!
3 皕z - 留 !f !仄 f皕