♥ NotHing sPeCiaL aBoUT Me ♥
*nur aziehah ismail
*27.Mac.2012 (aries)
*sri nyelong sarikei
♥ i'M jUst siMpLe pErsOn ♥
♥ i'm nOt FrieNdLy ♥
♥ i love,my kApeL n my friends ♥
*azreen, eypot ,nany, meeda, cheetheng, nana, mega, eyda, nurin and old my classmate. :3
♥ i LuF pEoPle wHo lUf mE tO.hehe ♥
*kepada friend yg da send friend request. tengs yaw ♥
but sorry for the late approve ♥ ^.^ nice to meet u.. :)