The document provides guidance on writing a descriptive essay. It advises the writer to brainstorm details about the topic, including physical characteristics as well as memories and feelings evoked. It emphasizes showing rather than telling through descriptive language and sensory details. The writer should describe what can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, and felt. Examples are provided to demonstrate descriptive writing versus vague, telling writing. The document also includes tips for self-editing descriptions and provides emotive language options.
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Descriptive writing form 4
2. 1. Take time to think about who or what you
want to describe and why.
2. Brainstorm about all the details associated
with the topic.
3. Consider not just physical characteristics, but
also what memories, feelings, and ideas the
subject evokes.
3. 1. Keep in mind, the most important watchword of writing
a descriptive essay is show, dont tell.
2. One of the best ways to show is to involve all of the
sensesnot just sight, but also hearing, touch, smell, and
3. Write so the reader will see the sunset, hear the
song, smell the flowers, taste the pie, or feel the anger.
4. Use descriptive and figurative language, as
well as concrete images to describe the
Similes and metaphors work well. Here are
some examples:
5. Telling Showing
The house was The house frowned with a wrinkled
old. brow, and inside it creaked with each
step, releasing a scent of neglected laundry.
The clock had The clock stood by our family, faithfully
been in our marking the minutes and hours of our lives.
family for years.
Sabrina felt Sabrinas face contorted in fury. She was as
angry. angry as a bull. Her cheeks flushed and her
eyes sparkled with ferocity.
6. 1. Do my paragraphs confuse more than
2. Does my word choice and figurative language
involve the five senses and convey emotion and
3. Are there enough details to give the reader a
complete picture?
7. Imagine you are blamed for something that
you didnt do and as a result, you are
punished unfairly. Describe the anger you
would feel at that moment. [150 words]
8. Paragraph 1: Describe the situation clearly.
Paragraph 2: Describe how you felt, what you
said etc.
Paragraph 3: Describe what you did. Did you
control your anger? Did you hurt anyone? Did
you hurt yourself?
9. Eyes narrowed with contempt
Look venomously at
Withering stare
Eyes blazing murderously
Mouth contorted grotesquely
Eyes bulging from their sockets
Brow wrinkled in vexation
Fists convulsing with suppressed rage
Spew out the words with malicious glee
Blinding rage enveloped me