"Despised or Idolised" either waY Am ReCogNiSed...!!!
Am a fun lovin guy, not bothering others, living to relax....n pokin my nose into others BuSinEss s wat i hate....!
I've a helluva frens to accompny me every moment(gud n bad)...n dats a lie!! got
Myself frm ma eyes, u can give ur opinion fr sure, i'll update :
-nerd, geek, avant garde, genius, gray matter, philosopher. am none of them.
-very straight, direct, bad comm skills and the worst flirt u have ever seen on earth. i stick to the point, true frm the heart but still ppl misunderstand me. Bad comm skill rulzzzz.
-politically i was liberal, conservative, authoritative and libertarian as well, so now it depends on situation.