I'm about to LEAVE you and say my GOODBYES but still I CAN'T ;(
1. I`m single but not available. ;)
I`ll just say "it`s complicated". :))
2. I love my FRIENDS to death.
3. I either take things too seriously or I don`t take them seriously at all.
4. I`m a girl with a lot of issues.
5. I couldn`t give two shits about all the negative things I hear about myself. :)
(Doesn`t that just suck for all the people who despise me? :p)
6. I`m a happy-go-lucky person.
7. I have been through hell and back.
(No, ofcourse not literally, metaphorically speaking. :|)
8. I live life on the fast lane. You only live once, might as well make the most out of it. :)
9. I adore GG and