All I once held dear built my life upon,all this world reveres&wars to own.
All I Once thought gain,I've counted loss, spent & worthless now,compared to Thee..Knowing You,Jesus, Knowing You..There is no greater thing,& I love You, Lord..扎(琪脈鐃
Aq ini 'Murid', dan Dia adlh Guru yg jg adlh Sahabat q.. (Inspirated by the God's Words, n being strengthen by Kamp Medis Nasional XVI, Lembang, 5-10 Agust 2008)
I am a dreamer... I am a people of vision..
C .. sangat suka baca, jg nonton!
Suka liatin org mainin alat2 musik, the heart comes out by the musics, moreover if it is for God!
C love friendship!
Suka kumpul2 ama sodara2q tercinta (Liza, Frans, Michael)