This document provides an overview of Parse, a backend platform that allows developers to add functionality like user authentication, databases, file storage and push notifications to their mobile and web applications. Some key capabilities highlighted include saving and querying data from Parse databases, user signup and login functionality, integrating with third party services via cloud code, and using Parse push notifications and analytics to measure app usage.
This document provides an overview of Parse, a backend platform that allows developers to add functionality like user authentication, databases, file storage and push notifications to their mobile and web applications. Some key capabilities highlighted include saving and querying data from Parse databases, user signup and login functionality, integrating with third party services via cloud code, and using Parse push notifications and analytics to measure app usage.
- Parse is a backend as a service (BaaS) platform that provides tools and support for iOS, Android, and JavaScript development.
- It offers features like data storage, user authentication, push notifications, and integration with social networks through a simple API.
- Developers can store and query data, manage user accounts, send push notifications, and build mobile and web apps using Parse's SDKs and REST API.
This document provides an overview of the Parse platform and its capabilities for building mobile and web applications. It describes Parse Core which allows storing and querying data in the cloud. It also covers user authentication, social integration, push notifications, cloud code, and analytics tracking. The document shows how to perform common tasks like saving and querying objects, user signup/login, and sending push notifications. It emphasizes that Parse provides a full backend as a service to focus on app business logic and UI rather than operations.
Parse é um PaaS (platform as a service) que foi criado para auxiliar desenvolvedores a criarem seus aplicativos sem a necessidade de criar um web service para gerenciamento dos dados. Através de sua API, é possível gerenciar dados através de um banco com interface visual (Parse Data), configurar o envio de push notifications (Parse Push), integrar contas de redes sociais (Parse Social) e ainda escrever código para customiza??o e tratamento de seus dados na nuvem (Cloud Code).
Parse is a PaaS (platform as a service) which was created to support developers to build their mobile apps without a web service managing the data. Through its API, it is possible to manage data through a database using a visual interface (Parse Data), configure push notifications (Parse Push), integrate social networks accounts (Parse Social) and write code to customize your requests in the cloud (Cloud Code).
How Parse Built a Mobile Backend as a Service on AWS (MBL307) | AWS re:Invent...Amazon Web Services
Parse is a BaaS for mobile developers that is built entirely on AWS. With over 150,000 mobile apps hosted on Parse, the stability of the platform is our primary concern, but it coexists with rapid growth and a demanding release schedule. This session is a technical discussion of the current architecture and the design decisions that went in to scaling the platform rapidly and robustly over the past year and a half. We talk about some of the lessons learned managing and scaling MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, and MySQL in the cloud. We also discuss how Parse went from launching individual instances using chef to managing clusters of hosts with Auto Scaling groups, with instance discovery and registry handled by ZooKeeper, thus enabling us to manage vastly larger sets of services with fewer human resources. This session is useful to anyone who is trying to scale up from startup to established platform without sacrificing agility.
For my research project I analyzed different Tinder users history in terms of their overall successes and failures in their Tinder matches. Considered who they “like” versus who they “reject”, if there was open communication about their respective cultures and what was the driving factor that lead them to schedule an in person meeting or not. I was hoping to see if my subjects reject a person right away based on their race or apparent social class as well as how well, or if at all, the matches discussed their separate cultural identities.
Tinder has reinforced hookup culture on college campuses since launching in 2012. The researcher conducted a mixed methods study of Tinder users, including surveying 25 users and interviewing those who use it for hookups and relationships. Survey results found most users are ages 18-25, use it for entertainment, and strategically create profiles. While some initial messages are overtly sexual, most aim to start casual conversation. Overall, Tinder alters initial interactions but many find accurate profiles through connecting on other platforms.
Enquête ethnographique de Marion P. et Gwenaelle S.
Lille 3 / L3 Industries culturelles, arts et sociétés / 2015-2016
Dans un climat de célibat massif, la demande en terme de site de rencontre est de plus en plus importante.
?ditée la première fois le 15 septembre 2012, Tinder, c’est l’application mobile phare de l’année 2013. Elle compte aujourd’hui plus de 10 millions d’utilisateurs. Gratuite, ludique et facile d'utilisation, Tinder permet de faire des rencontres partout où vous vous trouvez.
Pour réaliser notre enquête, nous nous sommes basées sur un corpus d’articles de presse, de la bibliographie scientifique et également sur des entretiens semi-directifs réalisés avec 6 femmes et un homme, ?gés de 20 à 24 ans.
Why is Tinder such an addictive dating platform? One of the reasons is that it is actually a casual game, back-boned with one of the most efficient feedback loop: the hunter's loop.
This deck will help you to better understand the loop and how to apply it to your products.
Tinder is a dating app that was launched in 2012 and allows users to connect with others who are mutually interested. While it has not been monetized yet, Tinder is estimated to be worth between $500 million to $5 billion and was acquired by IAC in 2014. The presentation describes Tinder's history and success, future plans to introduce new features and monetization strategies, and competition from other dating apps.
Tinder is a mobile dating app that allows users to browse photos of potential matches nearby and swipe right to "like" them or left to "pass". It has grown rapidly in popularity since launching in 2012, with over 10 million matches per day. While some see it as superficial or focused only on physical attraction, the CEO argues it mimics real-life interactions where appearance is initially noticed before getting to know someone. Studies also show users often match with others of similar attractiveness levels. The app has been adopted in many countries and led to over 1,000 marriages, showing it can facilitate more meaningful connections beyond just hookups. However, some remain uncomfortable with the judging of profiles or fleeting nature of online conversations.
Comparison of Tinder,, Zoosk, Bumble and Other Dating Apps on Faceb...Unmetric
They offer opportunities to engage with prospective partners, but how engaging are the content and campaign strategies of the top dating apps on Facebook? We benchmarked their performances to find out.
PHP Coding Standard and 50+ Programming SkillsHo Kim
1. How and Why to write good code?
2. Coding standard based on ZendFramework and real world practise.
3. PHP programming skills from daily coding.
4. Some security tips
5. Some optimization tips
1. Parse Basic
Building Web Apps WITHOUT Programming Server.
2014 Spring Web Programming, NCCU
Author: pa4373 (Licensed by CC-By 4.0)
15. Website vs. Web Application
● Information Oriented vs. Action Oriented
● Creation vs. Consumption
● Way of designing
● Anything else?
33. Template Engine (doT.js)
● 解決navbar困境
● 編譯
○ var tempFn = doT.template("<h1>Here is a sample template {{}}
○ tempFn = function(it) { var out='<h1>Here is a sample template '+(
+'</h1>';return out; }
○ 調用doT.template是有翻譯成本的,把編譯好的存起來以供以後使用。
● 編譯在HTML裡的版型(Little DOM Magic)
○ var tpl = document.getElementById("loginTemplate").text;
○ dot.template(tpl);
● 調用:var out = tempFN({foo: 'Sherlock'}); // <h1>Here is a sample template
○ 把它put回HTML裡面 (Little DOM Magic)
○ document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = out;
● 語法請參考:
34. Router
● linkable, bookmarkable, shareable URLs for important locations in the app
● Hash vs. pushState (Why use Hash in the example?)
var App = Parse.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'index',
'page/:page/': 'catalog',
'dress/:dress_id/': 'dress_detail',
'mycart/': 'mycart',
'login/*redirect': 'login',
// If frontpage is requested, show the first page of catalog.
index: function(){
return handlers.catalog(1);
catalog: handlers.catalog,
dress_detail: handlers.dress_detail,
mycart: handlers.mycart,
login: handlers.login,
(從物件的其他方法找 查)
(匿名宣告 or 參照)
:page -> 參數
function catalog
35. Router
● 當訪問#page/1/發生了什麼事呢?
var App = Parse.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'index',
'page/:page/': 'catalog',
'dress/:dress_id/': 'dress_detail',
'mycart/': 'mycart',
'login/*redirect': 'login',
// If frontpage is requested, show the first page of catalog.
index: function(){
return handlers.catalog(1);
catalog: handlers.catalog,
dress_detail: handlers.dress_detail,
mycart: handlers.mycart,
login: handlers.login,
(1 = :page)
37. Handler Function
var handlers = {
A: function(){},
B: function(){},
C: function(){},
var handlerA = function(){};
var handlerB = function(){};
var handlerC = function(){};
43. Handler Function (Login / Signup)
// 綁定註冊按鈕觸發事件();
document.getElementById('singupForm').addEventListener('submit', function(){
var user = new Parse.User();
user.set("username", document.getElementById('singupForm_username').value);
user.set("password", document.getElementById('singupForm_password').value);
user.set("email", document.getElementById('singupForm_emailAddress').value);
user.signUp(null, {
success: function(user) {
// Hooray! Let them use the app now.
error: function(user, error) {
// Show the error message somewhere and let the user try again.
document.getElementById('signupForm_message').innerHTML =
error.message + '['+error.code+']';
}, false);
44. Handler Function (Login / Signup)
// 綁定註冊按鈕觸發事件();
// 在本地創建一個User物件
var user = new Parse.User();
// 設定帳號密碼電子郵件
user.set("username", 帳號);
user.set("password", 密碼);
user.set("email", 電子郵件地址);
/* 註冊一個新的使用者並直接登入(不用做兩次!)
* 第一個null是啥?
* Extra fields to set on the new user, or null.
user.signUp(null, {success: 登入成功的回調函數, error: 登入失敗的回調函數});
49. Handler Function (Dress Detail)
var handler = function(dress_id){
var Dress = Parse.Object.extend("Dress"); // 取得Parse的Dress class
var query = new Parse.Query(Dress); // 創建一個找查Dress的Query物件
query.get(dress_id, { // 執行query,注意get方法 -> 給定物件ID, 回傳物件
success: function(dress){
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML =
綁定加入購物車功能 (); // 下一張slide會解釋
}, error: function(object, error){
} else {
window.location.hash = '';
50. Parse Relational Object
var John = {
‘height’: 180,
‘girlfriend’: Jenny
What is the relationship between John and Jenny?
How tall is John’s girlfriend? John.girlfriend.height = 167
Why? Data Consistency.
var Jenny = {
‘height’: 167,
62. Parse ACL (more complicated!)
ACL: Access Control List
“...each object has a list of users and roles
along with what permissions that user or role
user vs. roles
64. Parse ACL
How to make the certain ‘Order’ object
available only to the owner?
var orderACL = new Parse.ACL();
orderACL.setReadAccess(user, true);
orderACL.setWriteAccess(user, true);
// 附加到物件實體(instance)上
66. Parse Store
All Source codes are available on GitHub:
using git to clone!
$ git clone