MY life.i want to live it to da
fullest.i wanna fall in love,fal
out a love some more times.i
want to go thru all ups n
downs.handle all da hrtbreaks nd
pain nd come out even more stronger.i don want only
hapienes..i desire adventure.i
want to xperience
lov,pain,struggle,troubles,prblms,fun and every possible
thing.i wanna rise nd fall nd
make mistakes.i want to collect
MEMORIES so dat wen i grow old,i
wud have lot to GOSSIP about
with my beshties...i wud like to regret for things i have
done..rather than regreting for
stuufss i failed to do..
i hav understood that many imp
lessons of life r learned thru
HARDSHIPS... Heartbreaks makes us
wiser...Pain makes us stronger
and Struggle