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Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
San Francisco Bay Area, California United States
Senior Product Manager at Upwork
Technology / Software / Internet
Accomplished, insightful, and biased for action Product Manager with more than 6 years of proven track record in creating strategic vision, leading cross-functional teams, and shipping innovative web and mobile products that customers love and enjoy using Expert in Product油Management, Product Strategy, Product油Design, Quality Assurance, Distributed Team Management KEY SKILLS Excellent knowledge of SDLC (Agile/Scrum, Waterfall, XP) and STLC with experience in small team management Programming: HTML/CSS, SQL, JavaScript, XML/JSON, Bash (Unix shell), Java (scripting) Tools: JIRA, Eclipse, IDEA, Firebug, GWT, Google Analytics, Jenkins, CircleCI, Maven, Git Virtualization: Virtual Box, .
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