Ah!! You are here, which means that you do want
to know about me,
....to know me Check my Testimonials
Well, there isn't a biog亞aphy of mine available, i'm
not a celebrity.
Howeve亞, i'm a erson who live, breathe, sleep &
talk like others.! Love surfing internet & getting to
know good people.
I love my friends, no matte亞 who they are.
I conside亞 myself an honest boy who's considerate
and rather open minded.
Attractive is my face,
Character is my Great,
sweet is my smile,
and Unique is my style!
In a Relationship there is 0nly "One rule" of mine--
dOn'T mess up--that's it. don't cheat on me, Don't
Lie to me, Don't Mistreat Or Abuse Me Otherwise
be Ready to f