ô€€¹ 14+ years of Industry experience, with 8+ years into project and delivery management.
ô€€¹ Delivered services to global organizations like NSN, Ericsson, Nokia, Teliasonera, Microsoft
and Nortel’s OEM (Telstrat) during employment with Wipro & Tieto.
ô€€¹ Travelled to customer sites several times in USA & Europe.
ô€€¹ Received many appreciations from clients & employer.
ô€€¹ Execution of Fixed price, T&M, Risk-Reward projects.
ô€€¹ Drive Short term & long term goals.
ô€€¹ Ability to maintain focus under tough situations, uncertainties and tight delivery timelines
ô€€¹ Project & unit financials.
ô€€¹ Excellent written and oral communication.
ô€€¹ Team building, employee engagement,...