|'M eXtReMeLy Fr|eNd|y GReAt At L|sTeNiNg & G|v|nG aDv|cE..P|uS i'M vErY vErY lOyA|.
A|wAyS uP fOr hAv|nG a lAuGh uMm VeRy MoODy. !! I can either be too sarcastic or emotional,i hate snobs & people carrying unnecessary pride. U could know me in a day
L|sTeNiNg & G|v|nG aDv|cE..P|uS i'M vErY vErY lOyA|.
A|wAyS uP fOr hAv|nG a lAuGh uMm VeRy MoODy. !! I can either be too sarcastic or emotional,i hate snobs & people carrying unnecessary pride. U could know me in a day but it'll take eternity to understand me.But nevertheless life changes me everyday,it's for you to make me For better or for worse.thats |t!!!!!!!
°º* I'm SuGaR *n* SpIcE *n* eVeRyThInG nIcE, bEfOrE yOu MeSs WiTh Me YoU