i wOnT B HavIn AnY rEaSoN To hAtE u ....iF u aRe hAvIn ReAsOnZ tO LoVe Me!!!!!!!!!!
iT GoEs lYk diS-
i wud love to love u ...if u hate to hate me!!!!!!!!
i m so fuckin decieve....
so fuckin challenging ....
so fuckin master mind ......
so fuckin cheater ....
so fuckin liar....
nd still fuckin DA BEST!!!!!!!!
a cute gal who belong to a beautiful city...
neva tried to hurt anyone bt still...things went wrong......
devote herself to all her frnz n beloved ones.................
studies! ah..d only thing she hates......
everyday she gives a thought of pulling is syllabus,but all in vain..
she"s a liar..god knows!!
wat to do--who hates money........