Finn has a phobia of the ocean (thalassophobia) that severely impacts his daily functioning. Jake devises exposure therapy plans to help Finn overcome his fear, but they fail. It is revealed that Finn's phobia originated from a traumatic ocean voyage as a baby. Hypnotherapy would likely be the most effective treatment for Finn's specific phobia.
3. Phobia
? Phobia. A persistent irrational
fear of an object, activity, or
? Physiological responses:
sweating, nausea, tumbling,
racing heart, shortness of
4. note
In order to be considered a phobia the efforts to avoid the feared
thing or the response to encountering it must severely impact
some area of the person¡¯s normal functions.
case in point¡
6. Jake the dog
Finn the human
Meet Finn and Jake, one is the last known human
on earth, the other is a talking shape shifting dog.
And oh yeah, they¡¯re brothers, more or less.
They are also the greatest
adventurers/heroes/warriors in a land called Ooo.
Meet the guys
adventure time
7. The story so far
Finn and Jake are ¡°pooting¡± on a
newt for stealing some boots
when suddenly the newt runs out
into the ocean. Jake runs after the
newt unloading some fresh
¡°poot¡¯s¡± on his head but Finn,
upon realizing that he has to go
into the ocean (and not just a
lake, or a puddle, or a well, or a
river, etc¡) is stricken with panic
and fear like never before.
fun fact: A phobia of the ocean is know as Thalassophobia.
The word Thalasso is Greek for ocean or sea
adventure time
9. The connection is¡ Finn¡¯s Phobia
¡and jakes attempts to help
him battle it.
Fin¡¯s symptoms of phobia include:
? Heavy breathing
? Sweating
? trembling
? racing heart
? a rumbly tummy
? and a strange spectral entity that
emerges from his belly button.
Valid? All these symptoms are valid except for that spectral entity.
10. connection/validity
Jake has a plan.
Jake want¡¯s to help his buddy get over his fear
so he devises a three (but actually four) part plan.
Step one: Put Finn, in his bed, in the middle of the ocean.
Step two: Ditch the bed and have Finn float in the ocean.
Step three: Jake pushes fin under the water with his
jowls (don¡¯t forget; shape shifting dog).
Validity. Jake¡¯s plan is whats known as Exposure
therapy, specifically a type called In-vivo or ¡°real life¡±
where the patient is exposed to increasing doses of their
fear inducing stimuli in a real world situation.
Is Jake¡¯s plan valid? Surprisingly, yes (kind of).
fun fact: Sometimes In-vivo therapy (especially in instances like
what we¡¯re seeing here) is actually called ¡°Flooding¡±.
12. ly just more of the same but this time Finn gets to ride in a submarine rather than be
Validity. No longer so much ¡°Flooding¡± this approach
may actually be more akin to standard Exposure
therapy where the stimuli is introduced in more gradual
Is plan #4 valid? Seems like still yes.
not pleased
13. adventure time
Of course Jake¡¯s plan fails again.
The submarine goes into a deep
spooky hole and basically falls
apart. Finn unwittingly inflates his
dive suite which immediately takes
him to the surface while Jake is
stuck (in his own doggy dive suite
mind you) on the bottom of the
ocean. Will Finn overcome his fear
of the deep in a valiant effort to
rescue his best friend?
fun fact: Scuba suites for dogs really exist.
And then more story.
14. connection/validity
Rather than face his fear Finn
decides that the only way he¡¯s
going to save his friend is by
knocking himself out and sinking to
the bottom of the ocean.
This approach does get him down
there but once he comes to, and
realizes where he is, he¡¯s so
stricken with fear that Jake has to
save him.
Is Finn¡¯s plan valid? Not even a little bit.
15. connection/validity
Once on land Finn is again confronted by the
spectral form of his fear.
His fear berates him telling him he¡¯s a coward
and that he¡¯ll never be the great hero of his
This bums him out.
Like a lot.
But is this uncertainty the cause of his phobia?
There are three generally accepted ways to acquire a phobia these are:
? 1 classical conditioning= You experience a bad thing.
? 2 vicarious acquisition= You see bad thing happen to someone.
? 3 informational or instructional acquisition= Someone tells you about
a bad thing.
Validity? Although feelings of shame could lead to ¡°social phobia¡± it isn¡¯t an
accepted cause of a ¡°specific phobia¡± like Finn¡¯s
16. ¡some spectral wise men show up (also
from Finn¡¯s belly button. don¡¯t ask me.) and
they tell him that he is a great hero, the
greatest hero in all of Ooo in fact. And on top
of that they also tell him that having flaws is
just another part of being a hero and that it¡¯s
ok if he¡¯s afraid of the ocean. And so now,
with his new found confidence, Finn banishes
his fear back into his guts for what may, or
may not be, eternity.
And finally
Validity? Although the words of the wise men may have bolstered Finn¡¯s
confidence when it comes to hero-ing there is no evidence that a few kind
words about ones ability to kick butt can cure a phobia.
Can the wise men fix Finn¡¯s fear? Nope.
17. Finn¡¯s phobia actually originated with a
perilous sea voyage that happened
when he was a baby (classical
conditioning) but he was so young he
doesn¡¯t even remember it. This sort of
not remembering after something bad
happens is also known as ¡°repression¡±.
Will Finn ever find a cure? Out of all the treatments for phobias
including systematic desensitization, progressive relaxation, virtual reality,
modeling, and medication; hypnotherapy would probably be Finn¡¯s best
18. connection/validity
My thoughts
I¡¯m fairly certain that there was no consideration for psychology in the making
of this episode. Although Jakes attempts to help Finn may look a bit like real
science (maybe) it feels a bit more like the sink-or-swim school of get the hell
over it.
As stated before the basis for Finn¡¯s phobia was probably that harrowing sea
voyage of his youth. That said doing away with his spectral antagonist would
have only served to cure him of any social anxiety he may have been feeling as
an unpleasant side effect of his actual phobia
Once again though I doubt that this was truly considered by the writers.
All in all I feel like the intent of the episode was to discuss how we deal, or don¡¯t
deal, with our fear and how even though it may always be a part of us, we don¡¯t
have to ever let it define us.
Of course I may be reading too much into it.