The document provides information about various summer programs and activities at Isenberg Elementary School, including a science and technology camp, summer reading challenges, and honor roll recognitions. It encourages students to read, write, and engage in math and creative activities over the summer. It also announces winners of reading contests and recognizes students who made the honor roll for the third quarter.
Mr. Moore's blog summarizes the accomplishments of the school year at Isenberg Elementary and looks ahead to next year. It highlights various programs like STEM labs, after school clubs and tutoring, as well as community events sponsored by the PTA. It recognizes students who earned honors and congratulates the many community partners who support the school.
The document discusses various events and activities happening at a school library over time, including a photography contest with book prizes, using books for character education lessons with guidance teachers, collaborating with teachers on projects involving media and technology or animals, holding a book fair during national library week, displaying reading fair projects, receiving a new shipment of award-winning books, and third graders working on a project based learning about fracking's environmental impact.
El documento habla sobre los materiales que componen el concreto, en particular los agregados. Explica que los agregados constituyen m叩s del 70% de una mezcla de concreto y se clasifican en agregados finos (arena) y gruesos (grava). Tambi辿n describe propiedades importantes de los agregados como la granulometr鱈a, m坦dulo de fineza, densidad, porosidad, resistencia y humedad. Finalmente, indica que la norma establece curvas granulom辿tricas que deben cumplir los agregados para evitar la separaci坦n
Isenberg k kids presentation at salisbury kiwanis luncheon april 8, 2016puckettkm
Isenberg's K-Kids club is implementing a service project called Any1Can Walk4Wisdom that benefits schools in South Sudan. K-Kids is a service club for Isenberg's 5th graders that develops leadership and social skills through community service projects like their current effort to support schools in South Sudan.
The document contains summaries of several student activities and sports teams at Clear Creek Middle School:
- The 8th grade boys basketball team has begun their season with hopes of improving court awareness, speed, and quickness under new head coach Mr. Rinn.
- Mr. Glassock coaches the 7th grade B basketball team and has 27 years of coaching experience. He wants the team to play hard, learn, and work together.
- The 7th grade A basketball team is coached by Mr. Stafford, who has 24 years of coaching experience. He wants competitive, hard-working players who communicate well and improve over the season.
- During PE, 7th and 8th grade students are learning
Este documento presenta el plan de estudios de un curso de historia para la educaci坦n intercultural biling端e en Ecuador. Incluye 7 unidades que cubren la historia de las diferentes regiones y pueblos de Ecuador desde los per鱈odos precolombinos hasta la actualidad, con 辿nfasis en la cosmovisi坦n y resistencia de los pueblos ind鱈genas. El documento tambi辿n presenta los cr辿ditos, objetivos, criterios de evaluaci坦n e informaci坦n sobre los autores de los materiales de referencia utilizados para el dise単o del curso.
This document lists various muscles in the human body, including muscles in the abdomen, arm, shoulder, chest, and back. It provides the names of muscles like the rectus abdominus, biceps brachii, deltoid, pectoralis major, and latissimus dorsi without descriptions.
Este documento presenta el plan de estudios de un curso de historia para la educaci坦n intercultural biling端e en Ecuador. Incluye 7 unidades que cubren la historia de las diferentes regiones y pueblos de Ecuador desde los per鱈odos precolombinos hasta la actualidad, con 辿nfasis en la cosmovisi坦n y resistencia de las nacionalidades ind鱈genas. El documento tambi辿n presenta los cr辿ditos, objetivos, criterios de evaluaci坦n e informaci坦n sobre los autores de los materiales de referencia utilizados para el dise単o del curso.
The document discusses the key components of an effective independent reading program based on research. It states that students need access to books at their level, daily time to read in school, an engaging environment that fosters reading self-efficacy, and opportunities to choose their own reading materials. Schools must invest in books, teacher training, and ensure libraries are well-stocked with qualified librarians. Simply investing in reading management software alone is not proven to be effective and does not justify the expense. Effective literacy leaders need knowledge about children's literature in order to properly run an independent reading program.
The document announces a reading festival on April 12, 2014 hosted by Rowan-Salisbury Schools Media Services. It promotes various activities at the festival including meeting media specialists, an animal track matching game, a balloon popping game, a mystery photo booth, author appearances, and a mystery bag game. Winners of a reading fair at Isenberg School will also be on display at the local public library.
Kanban and Scrum are two frameworks for managing work. Scrum uses fixed timeboxed iterations called sprints, while Kanban focuses on continuous flow. Scrum requires self-contained teams with all needed skills, while Kanban allows for heterogeneous teams to work across different workflow stages. Kanban is more flexible than Scrum and allows changing priorities during workflow, while Scrum resists changes once a sprint begins. Both approaches can incorporate elements from other frameworks like daily stand-ups. Overall, Kanban is less prescriptive and easier to introduce than Scrum in most organizations.
This document provides guidance for nurses on post-stroke depression (PSD). It discusses that PSD affects about 1 in 3 stroke patients and can negatively impact recovery if left untreated. It identifies risk factors for PSD and outlines tools to assess for it such as self-report scales and objective data scales. Signs and symptoms of PSD include lack of energy, motivation, and enjoyment. The document recommends that nurses play a key role in screening, educating patients and families on treatment options like antidepressants and behavioral therapy, and providing ongoing support for recovery.
Portfolio for Tam Lever, Visual Merchandising ConsultantGoldenBaker
This document provides a portfolio summary for Tam Lever listing their work experience from 1995-2008 including positions at West Ham United stadium store, Mothercare Oxford Street, Callaway Golf, Fila shops at Harrods and Ashford Factory Outlet, West Ham United shop at Bluewater, Scottish Football Association kit launch, Cardiff Rugby Club store, and several roles with Nike including exhibitions and concept shops.
Este documento presenta el plan de estudios de un curso de historia para la educaci坦n intercultural biling端e en Ecuador. Incluye 7 unidades que cubren la historia de las diferentes regiones y pueblos de Ecuador desde los per鱈odos precolombinos hasta la actualidad, con 辿nfasis en la cosmovisi坦n y resistencia de los pueblos ind鱈genas. El documento tambi辿n presenta los cr辿ditos, objetivos, criterios de evaluaci坦n e informaci坦n sobre los autores de los materiales de referencia utilizados para el dise単o del curso.
This document lists various muscles in the human body, including muscles in the abdomen, arm, shoulder, chest, and back. It provides the names of muscles like the rectus abdominus, biceps brachii, deltoid, pectoralis major, and latissimus dorsi without descriptions.
Este documento presenta el plan de estudios de un curso de historia para la educaci坦n intercultural biling端e en Ecuador. Incluye 7 unidades que cubren la historia de las diferentes regiones y pueblos de Ecuador desde los per鱈odos precolombinos hasta la actualidad, con 辿nfasis en la cosmovisi坦n y resistencia de las nacionalidades ind鱈genas. El documento tambi辿n presenta los cr辿ditos, objetivos, criterios de evaluaci坦n e informaci坦n sobre los autores de los materiales de referencia utilizados para el dise単o del curso.
The document discusses the key components of an effective independent reading program based on research. It states that students need access to books at their level, daily time to read in school, an engaging environment that fosters reading self-efficacy, and opportunities to choose their own reading materials. Schools must invest in books, teacher training, and ensure libraries are well-stocked with qualified librarians. Simply investing in reading management software alone is not proven to be effective and does not justify the expense. Effective literacy leaders need knowledge about children's literature in order to properly run an independent reading program.
The document announces a reading festival on April 12, 2014 hosted by Rowan-Salisbury Schools Media Services. It promotes various activities at the festival including meeting media specialists, an animal track matching game, a balloon popping game, a mystery photo booth, author appearances, and a mystery bag game. Winners of a reading fair at Isenberg School will also be on display at the local public library.
Kanban and Scrum are two frameworks for managing work. Scrum uses fixed timeboxed iterations called sprints, while Kanban focuses on continuous flow. Scrum requires self-contained teams with all needed skills, while Kanban allows for heterogeneous teams to work across different workflow stages. Kanban is more flexible than Scrum and allows changing priorities during workflow, while Scrum resists changes once a sprint begins. Both approaches can incorporate elements from other frameworks like daily stand-ups. Overall, Kanban is less prescriptive and easier to introduce than Scrum in most organizations.
This document provides guidance for nurses on post-stroke depression (PSD). It discusses that PSD affects about 1 in 3 stroke patients and can negatively impact recovery if left untreated. It identifies risk factors for PSD and outlines tools to assess for it such as self-report scales and objective data scales. Signs and symptoms of PSD include lack of energy, motivation, and enjoyment. The document recommends that nurses play a key role in screening, educating patients and families on treatment options like antidepressants and behavioral therapy, and providing ongoing support for recovery.
Portfolio for Tam Lever, Visual Merchandising ConsultantGoldenBaker
This document provides a portfolio summary for Tam Lever listing their work experience from 1995-2008 including positions at West Ham United stadium store, Mothercare Oxford Street, Callaway Golf, Fila shops at Harrods and Ashford Factory Outlet, West Ham United shop at Bluewater, Scottish Football Association kit launch, Cardiff Rugby Club store, and several roles with Nike including exhibitions and concept shops.