I'm not a simple girl XD
Did u know? Yeah, of course u're not ^_^
Ah~ let me tell you little bout me :)
I'm Putri ----- Now my biases are Jo Twins oppa from Boyfriend!
Em... I haven't meet them T,T yeah... How poor I am *don't cry #LOL
I just can wish that I can meet them, touch them hahaha and be hie girlfriend & wife hehehe (for Kwangmin)
so crazy isn't? But yeah, just call me idiot if u're dnt like bout that and me ^_~
something make me sad, I'm not rich, I'm not beutiful as Emmy Watson... Kwang maybe won't me :'( just can hope and say a prayer to God.. Hoping! He's my destiny :)
Many more, I wanna school in Oxford or Seoul on my next... SHS & University... Work & live in there.