as i grOw tO understand Life Less and Less,
i Learn tO LOve it MOre and MOre..this is me...MA. QUENNIE
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_siMpLy Loving and caring friend tO everyOne..
I Love drawing.
i LOve taLking tO MarY and jesus thrOugh praYers..
I Love traveLing.
GOing tO faMOus TOurist sPOts in the wOrLd is MY greatest dream..
I LOve MY faMiLY..especiaLLy MY MOM..she's MY inspiration in everything.
I Love MY friends and MY MAn..",
i Love MY LOng hair, MY tan skin..
i am approachabLe, kind, humble in shOrt Mabait..hahahaha
Maldita if unhan..
sapoton po