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Rada of the Belarusian Democratic Republic

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Government / Military
The Rada of the Belarusan Democratic Republic (BNR) is the supreme institution and the sole legitimate representation of the sovereign rights of the Belarusan people, expressed by the Legislative Act of the 25th of March, 1918, which was recorded in the Third Constitutional Charter of the BNR. The BNR Rada performs the functions of a National Legislature and of a Government-in-Exile.


亠仍舒 磳 亟仗舒舒 仗舒礌舒仍舒: 磻 舒仍亰舒于舒 仄舒亞仄舒?
亠仍舒  磳 亟仗舒舒 仗舒礌舒仍舒: 磻 舒仍亰舒于舒 仄舒亞仄舒?亠仍舒  磳 亟仗舒舒 仗舒礌舒仍舒: 磻 舒仍亰舒于舒 仄舒亞仄舒?
亠仍舒 磳 亟仗舒舒 仗舒礌舒仍舒: 磻 舒仍亰舒于舒 仄舒亞仄舒?
亠仍舒 舒亠亶从仄 仆舒仄舒亶仆仄 仗仂仍
亠仍舒  舒亠亶从仄 仆舒仄舒亶仆仄 仗仂仍亠仍舒  舒亠亶从仄 仆舒仄舒亶仆仄 仗仂仍
亠仍舒 舒亠亶从仄 仆舒仄舒亶仆仄 仗仂仍
2016 02-27 prezentacyja-cajcyc
2016 02-27 prezentacyja-cajcyc2016 02-27 prezentacyja-cajcyc
2016 02-27 prezentacyja-cajcyc


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舒亟舒于从 舒亟 亰舒 2016 亞仂亟
 舒亟舒于从 舒亟  亰舒 2016 亞仂亟 舒亟舒于从 舒亟  亰舒 2016 亞仂亟
舒亟舒于从 舒亟 亰舒 2016 亞仂亟
舒亟舒于从 舒亟 亰舒 2015 亞仂亟
舒亟舒于从 舒亟  亰舒 2015 亞仂亟舒亟舒于从 舒亟  亰舒 2015 亞仂亟
舒亟舒于从 舒亟 亰舒 2015 亞仂亟
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