WARNING: I Have An Attitude And I Kn0w H0w To Use It! I Have A Disease Called AWESOME. Kiss Me I'm C0ntagious! I Wish Facebook W0uld N0tify Me When S0me0ne Delete's Me. That Way I C0uld 'Like' It. Take Me As I Am, 0r Watch Me As I Go. I D0n't L0ok Back - Unless There's A G0od View! I Am The 0ne Y0ur M0ther Warned Y0u Ab0ut. I live for the moments you can't put into words . I respect those who respect me and forget those who forget me.. I'm slow to trust, but quick to love. I wish too hard and I give too much. I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I promise I'm worth it! I'm not unlucky in love - I'm just extremely good at being single! I'm not shy; I'm just holding back my AWESOMENESS so