/<RAIN>/<ENFJ>/ <3 Indeed, it talks about who I am.
- - - it's not about who is real [ to your face ]
it's about who stays real [ behind your back ]- - - -
PEACE in our (<3 _ <3) Keep it sealed. Keep that smile :)
♫♪ If only... how can I spell MISS if its YOU makes it all that matters ♫♪ ^I'M HAPPY :)^ SILENT INVISIBLE :-P
ATTITUDE mkes life a 100%
--cRAINzy--< 329
Well, I'm Rainilyn Ann, but usualy my friends call me *rAin* but believe it or not, only this time which I reached my college years became that my nickname and I look at it so cool so I learned to love and appreciate it!But some of my friends simply call me *Rai or Ann*,or