Post Doctoral Researcher at Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernétique de Nantes, Ecole Centrale ,France
Presently, a post-doctorate fellow at Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernétique de Nantes, Ecole Centale de Nantes, FRANCE. I have completed my Doctor of Philosophy in Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle at Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras). I did my schooling in N.DJ.V.V Vivekananda Vidyalaya (CBSE) ,Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from Anna university and Masters in Manufacturing Engineering from Madras Institute of Technology,Chennai.
I am passionate about innovations and engineering which help society. i have developed several robots and mechanisms by my own interest , which are useful to common people in day to day life. Generally, I think that in..