悋 悖惺 悋悵悋 莜惡悧 悋愃惆 悽惡悖惠 ~!! 忰莬 惴 惡悋 惠悋悗 惶惆悸 惶惡惘悋 惆惺悸 悖 "
惆 悋 悋惠 惺 惆悋悧悋 悋惴 悋忰惠惘 惡愆惆 惶悋忰惡 悋惡惆悋 悋悋忰惆
Honestly, promise me I'll never find you fake it
your life is like a story so make sure of choosing a 1 with a happy ending :)) .......旅l旅l旅 a fairy tales lover旅l旅l旅
people take care of people who take care of themselves........i dont care about these people :P :p :P