am a free bee.! arrogant!! loving!! caring!! content wit rebellion idols, am a revolutionary! i can make u laugh, even at utter lost.. am a fool hoping to reach d stars by a small piece of rope! ht hu knws stars may cme dwn one day, i am cnfidnt of doin nythng under d sun! i dnt fear nythng evn if i do i neva show it up! i wuld lyk to make evryone hapy, am madly lve wit nature, u wnt 4get me if u happens to meet me, aint gudluking bt am least botherd abt that. i lyk beaty nd neva keeps limits to prise those hu deservs.. cnt hate ny one 4 long, ma curze!! nobody cn hurt me othr dan god, if u tried to beat me in anythng i wnt gve a easy f8, gal or boy am least botherd bt ur gender, i lyk to tr