I wnted a mansion once.....dat is until I met u,....
Nw d only place I wnt 2 live is inside ur heart
I once desired diamonds... until I met u,.....
Nw d only sparkle I need comes frm within
I used 2 crave d finest clothing...until I met u.....,
Nw I wnt nt a single thread 2 separate our bodies I once coveted a fancy car...until I metu,.....
Nw I wnt nthng dat would put miles between us
I once prayed 4 money...until I met u,......
Nw I wnt none of d thngs money cn buy
I once yearned 4 a sense of security...until I met u,
Nw m only security comes is knwng u r near I once drm of a prestigious job...until I met u,
Nw I fnd m success in knwng dat u r happy
I once askd 4 d world on a s