"With Positive thinking-To do Something New"
I have Develop Web Application Software as :
Skills: PHP, Python Django
Server Used and Setup : AWS, Ctrls, LAAMP, XAAMP
OS : Windows ( XP, 2007,2008,2010 ), Ubuntu ( 12.04, 14.4, 15.4 ),
RestFull API Implementation
Payment Gateway Implementation:
1) Paypal
2) Authorized dot net
3) PayU and Payu Money
4) CCAVenue
E-Commerce :- Online Shopping, Product Selling
ERP / CRM :- To manage Sales, Distribution, Logistics, Services, Accounting, Project, Material, Manufacturing,Quality Human Resource.
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM :- School Management, Travel Management, Content Management,
Having been in this development field, it seems to me 'a developer learn...