Yup that's my name, dan InshaAllah minimal dalam 6 tahun ke depan bakalan jadi Hj. DR. Resiana Irawanda Putri, Sp.M Amiiiiiin Ya Allah 0:)
And i like every red and purple stuff cos i love those colour :D
Like all food that Halalan Toyyibah, like all drink, but especially Cold Chocolate Energen (:
My hobbies are listening to music, singing ( even my voice is so terrible ), playing Badminton (:, hmm what else? Ok i love all things that i love to do :D -______-
Love Allah swt, Nabi Besar Muhammad saw dan para sahabat, My Parents, My Family n' all friends n' best friends, and my lovely boy xD.
I love One Direction, too!!!! Especially Zain Javadd Malik. The point is i lov