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Organization / Workplace
Bulgaria Bulgaria
Software Developer
Technology / Software / Internet
Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away" "-从仂 亠 仄舒 , 从舒从于 仂于亠从 亠 仄亠 亰舒 亠弍亠?" -亟亳仆 仍亟! " - true story :) " 丐仂 亢亳于仂 亠 磻仂 仆舒 亠亠舒舒 , 亳 亳 亳 磻仂 仆舒 亠亠舒舒 , 亳 仆亠 亠 仆亠 磡于舒 亟舒 亰舒弍舒于 亠 亳 仆舒 亠亠舒舒 , 舒 亠 仗仂仂 磡于舒 亟舒 亞仍亠亟舒 从亟亠 舒 亠亠亳亠... "
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