Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek I (Modul III)dikwan_moeis
Dokumen ini membahas tentang konversi string ke tipe data lain, input data, dan kontrol proses pemilihan menggunakan pernyataan if dan switch dalam pemrograman berorientasi objek Java.
The document appears to be a survey collecting demographic information and music preferences from 9 respondents. It asks about gender, age, favorite music genre, color associated with that genre, what people expect to see on magazine covers, and how much they are willing to pay. Most respondents were male, aged 16-30, read rock magazines, associate the genre with red, expect images of stars/bands on covers, and are willing to pay 50p-?2 for a music magazine.
This curriculum vitae outlines Paul Gates' experience and qualifications. He has over 15 years of experience in maintenance engineering roles, including for Cetco Energy Services as a contractor since 2012 where he has supervised offshore operations. Prior to this he held roles at Kiwi Rail as a mechanical engineer from 2008-2012, PPCS from 2004-2008 as a maintenance fitter, and various other engineering roles. He has extensive training and qualifications in areas such as mechanical engineering, diesel mechanics, welding, and health and safety. References are available.
This document analyzes how a media product represents social groups through its use of models. It compares images from the media product to images from professional magazines. Both use medium close-ups of blonde models with serious facial expressions. Differences include costumes, positioning, and lighting. The document also discusses how the model represents the target audience of mid-teen to young adult males and females. It argues the model looks like someone this age group would want to emulate through her large blonde hair, makeup, and branded clothing.
Awesome Introduction to Recursion in Programming with FractalsGurpal Singh
Here I have tried to completely demystify the way how recursion works. What usually is done that students are given a lot of recursion problems to beat there head against. Only after some time of struggle one is able to understand.
I made this after going through the same thing and I know you might be too. That's why I have chosen shown it visually which is much more effective than others techniques.
I have also made it enjoyable and easy to understand. In addition to that I have also given the examples of practical uses of recursion in programming and games. I have also shown how recursion is also present in nature.
This is a modified version of blog post on
Have fun!