I am a generous man,down to earth but sensitive. If someone give me pure attention, love, i will be give them more than that. I'll treat them best n maximally i could. I promise
Gw itu............
1. Bandel
2. Iseng n jail abiz
3. Berantakan kadang rapi seeh
4. easy going (pokoknya enak dech kalo jalan ama gue)
5. ntar aj deh, gw pkir2 dlu, kpn2 gw sambung lagi
6. Pengertian
7. Ramah to everyone
8. smillingful
9. Apa lagi yach...?? depends on the situation and which
whom you are
Ciri2 fisik gw:
1. Tinggi 174cm
2. Berat 64kg (per tgl 02 may 10 )
3. Rambut pendek n lurus(kyk yg di foto)
4. Ganteng(pastiiiinyaaa)
5. Kulit brsih, warna kulit rada putih seeh...
6. Mata h