2 begin wit lets say..Am a simple girl with big dreamz. M F留仄旅 && F皕亳 M留亳 T仆 W T M,I W D A亳仆旅亳g F T仆仄..il b who i am n say wat i feel bcoz those who mind dont matter and those who matter dnt mind... <3
I njoy watchn d rain, especially a night time shower,walking, running, singing,holding hands, cooling off in the rain, n simply luv d renewing feel of rain beating my skin... <3
I enjoy reading novels esp romantic 1s...my favourites include 'The duke and I' by Julia Quinn..'In hearts haven' etc
..I luv d color violet...{dunno y}...<3
Am usully mistaken for a hyper n talkative personality....but d real me is a silent, soft