This document contains the summary of a presentation on shift-left testing. It introduces the speaker and defines shift-left testing as testing early in the software development life cycle (SDLC) to detect defects earlier. Potential issues with not doing shift-left testing include slowly receiving user feedback, testing becoming a bottleneck, delayed releases, and costly bugs. The benefits outlined include preventing issues earlier, detecting defects sooner, enhanced test coverage, streamlined workflows, and reduced costs. Key promoters are improving testability, cross-team collaboration, continuous integration/delivery, and growth mindset. Best practices discussed include proper planning, understanding requirements, specifying quality standards, and embracing automation. The takeaways encourage collaborating with developers and getting involved in
昨今はニーズの多様化と高品質への対応が急務となっており、動画配信基盤の刷新に取り組んでいます。モノリシックなシステムをマイクロサービス化すべく、Ruby on Rails?AngularJS?Go を利用しています。本セッションでは、それらのアーキテクトや開発フローについて判りやすく説明します。
昨今はニーズの多様化と高品質への対応が急務となっており、動画配信基盤の刷新に取り組んでいます。モノリシックなシステムをマイクロサービス化すべく、Ruby on Rails?AngularJS?Go を利用しています。本セッションでは、それらのアーキテクトや開発フローについて判りやすく説明します。
The topic shows the design process for software architect.Also there are serveal architect style descibed int the topic.
In the end , to demo a call center atchitect design.
Chapter 8. Partial updates and retrievals.pdfRick Hwang
1. The document discusses enabling partial updates and retrievals of API resources by allowing clients to specify a field mask to indicate which fields of a resource should be retrieved or updated.
2. It proposes using query strings or headers to transport field masks and addresses handling field masks for nested fields, repeated fields, and default values.
3. For partial updates using HTTP PATCH, it is proposed that an unset field mask implicitly indicates an intent to update only the included fields, mirroring the standard PATCH behavior.
This document discusses custom methods in web APIs. Some key points covered include:
1. Custom methods are API calls that fall outside standard HTTP methods and are used to express actions that don't fit within standard methods.
2. Custom methods should use a verb-noun format separated by a colon, like POST /missiles/:launch, and can have side effects unlike standard methods.
3. Custom methods may target single resources or collections, and can be used for complex actions like communicating with other systems during a state transition.
4. While useful, custom methods also introduce challenges to maintaining REST principles in an API. Trade-offs between framework fit and flexibility should be considered.
Study Notes - Event-Driven Data Management for MicroservicesRick Hwang
Microservices from Design to Deployment (
- CH05 Event-Driven Data Management for Microservices
The document provides guidance on architectural best practices for building systems on AWS. It discusses general design principles such as stopping guessing capacity needs, testing systems at production scale, and automating to enable architectural experimentation. It also covers principles for allowing evolutionary architectures and driving architectures using data. The document then outlines the five pillars of the Well-Architected Framework: operational excellence, security, reliability, performance efficiency, and cost optimization. For each pillar, it lists relevant design principles and best practices questions.
9. 9
● PM
a. Project Manager (PM)
b. Product Manager (PM)
c. Product Owner (PO)
● Dev
a. Developer
b. Engineer
c. Programmer
d. Coder
e. SED (Software Development Engineer,
● QA
○ Tester
○ QA (Quality Assurance)
○ SQA (Software Quality Assurance)
○ QE (Quality Engineer)
○ SDET (Software Development Engineer
in Test, Microsoft)
○ STE (Software Test Engineer, Google)
● Ops / Infra
○ OP (Operator), SysOps, SysOp
○ IT
○ Infra
○ SRE (Site Reliability Engieer, Google)
○ DevOps
○ SecOps / Security
軟體開發的四大角色 (Roles)
10. 10
System Design
Unit Test
Test Plan Design Test Case E2E / Integration
Defect Fix
Test Environment
Verify Defect
Ref: Software Development Lifecycle with PDCA
Systems Analysis
規劃Plan 執行Do 驗證 Check
Action: Do
Action: Plan
驗證 Check
11. 11
Ref: Software Development Lifecycle with PDCA
規劃Plan 執行Do 驗證 Check
Action: Do
Action: Plan
驗證 Check
20. Service Tests (服務測試) / Integration (整合測試)
1. 系統對系統
a. 內部對外部:Momo 串接 Google Map、SMS、支付 … etc.
b. 同一家公司內部系統:SMS、Push、認證授權 …
2. 功能對功能
a. 極端案例一:iOS 11.1 某個功能被時間影響到了
b. 極端案例二:iPad 的 Timer 跟充電 有關係
3. 功能對系統
a. 一分鐘之內同時湧入 1000 張訂單,但是所有的訂單快照,必須在 1 分鐘之內完成。
49. 49
Rick 對於 軟體品質 的看法
1. 品質不只有測試,而是整個 (開發) 過程。
a. 除了太空梭不能測,地球上沒有不能測的。
b. 品質從需求開始,測試只是種手段
c. 整個過程:SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle)
2. 用品質建立數量,由數量產生速度。
3. 優秀的 軟體測試 ,必須具備產品意識、 開發軟體 經驗、軟體架構設計、維運
經驗 能力才具備資格
ref: 學習法則
50. 1. 探索自己熟悉的、喜歡的領域
a. 可以廢寢忘食的,如果還沒有,那要多嘗試,年輕有失敗的本錢
b. 了解產品、了解使用者,做自主判斷
c. 電商、網通、NFT、Web3、毛小孩 … etc
2. 不知道自己喜歡什麼,找個持續成長的方式:
a. 喜歡是透過熟悉與成就感疊出來的
b. 充實軟體開發知識、 CS 基本技能,把 CS 知識用在生活中
c. 寫 Blog 是最好的投資,幾年後,你會感謝你自己。參 閱 學習法則
d. 精通一個軟體開發流程,掌握 品質的關鍵
e. 建立自己學習的循環
f. 給自己適度的獎勵
3. (給在職) 看清楚公司階段,看清自己的位置,找到自己的方向
給社會新鮮人 / 在職朋友的建議