This document provides instructions for selecting and writing about a work of art from the museum's Reading Objects collection. It outlines a three part process: 1) Select a work to focus on, either from the 11 photos provided or by visiting the museum; 2) Freewrite about the selected work and read its description; 3) Write a poem or short prose piece from the perspective of someone in the art, the artist, or your own perspective examining the work. 11 potential works are pictured to choose from. The response should be less than 500 words.
2. Directions: Part I: Select an Object
You are to select one work from the Reading Objects collection to write
I have taken photographs of eleven of the pieces and included them in
this document; however, you are more than welcome to go to the
Museum and select another work. If you do, be sure to: 1) make sure it
is one of the objects in the Reading Objects collection; and 2) take a
photograph of the object.
3. Directions: Part 2: Freewrite and Then Read
Freewrite for at least 10 minutes about the object. Look at it carefully.
Try to describe it. Consider what stands out to you about the object.
Read the description of the object. How does the description help you
to understand the object?
4. Directions: Part 3: Write
Choose to write a poem or a short prose piece (less than 500 words).
Here are some ideas:
? Write from the point of the view of someone in the painting or
? Write from the point of view of the artist creating the piece of art;
? Write from your point of view, examining the object;